Sunday 20 September 2009

Mr & Mrs Winehouse

After flicking through today's News of The World (my quality Sunday paper of choice!). I went back to a story about Amy Winehouse and Blake.

BESOTTED Blake Fielder-Civil has told Amy Winehouse why he forfeited a £6-Million divorce-settlement, insisting: "I don't want a penny - just your love."

Call me a romantic but ... I feel the lad's heart-break and I believe him.

Last year when he was enjoying the delights of Her Majesty's Pleasure, I became his Pen-Pal in a bid to get access to him and Amy. It worked!

The EXCLUSIVE-ACCESS documentary would see him enjoying his first month of freedom - from the moment he stepped outside the Prison gates to rebuilding his relationship with his singer wife.

His replies told of his deep love and respect for his 'soul-mate', saying he 'wouldn't do the programme if it hurt her in anyway'. Every week I read those letters, I felt really flipping guilty. As if I was exploiting him in some way. Which I wasn't. Much better for me to get the access then some muck-raking telly exec in it for the promotion and notoriety.

Amy was well up for it - saying the programme would help people to see the 'real Blake not the tabloid version.'

The day of Blake's early release had finally arrived and we were all set to start filming. Until, Blake failed his drugs test the day before - keeping him inside for a few more months.

I hadn't realised Blake's failed drug test was all my fault - until The Grunt took me aside, telling me, it as a 'personal failing' on my part that the access had gone tits up.


Naturally, I apologised to my boss for achieving access to the hottest couple in town, despite one of them being inside for GBH. I honestly hadn't realised I'd included a CRACK-PIPE in my weekly letter to him.

Had Amy and Blake been Mr & Mrs Joe Bloggs, we'd never have cast them in a programme because of the vulnerability and unpredictability. However, it seems Celebrities are different.

Must dash. The X-Factor's on ....

Saturday 19 September 2009

Autumn Means One Thing ... The X Factor's Back!

Doris here reporting for duty.

I do love the autumn TV schedule, mainly because it's the return of the second best show (first being Coronation Street) on the box - The X-Factor. However, I always feel slightly on-edge as I'm desperate to enter Cowell's inner-sanctum. It would score me serious brownie points with my boss - affectionately known (or not) as The Grunt.

I've an exhausting week of meetings ahead all based at The Ivy Club - mainly due to the fact that agents and their clients are too bone idle to leave W1. I'm seeing a well-known interior designer as a favour to her agent/friend. I'm also, seeing a once well-known kids presenter on his uppers (another favour to an agent). And ... the mysterious Addison Cresswell (who looks after Jonathan Ross). This will be our first meeting. I'm curiously excited about him, as I think he's probably a one! Shall keep you posted.

Yours Doris.x