Saturday 19 September 2009

Autumn Means One Thing ... The X Factor's Back!

Doris here reporting for duty.

I do love the autumn TV schedule, mainly because it's the return of the second best show (first being Coronation Street) on the box - The X-Factor. However, I always feel slightly on-edge as I'm desperate to enter Cowell's inner-sanctum. It would score me serious brownie points with my boss - affectionately known (or not) as The Grunt.

I've an exhausting week of meetings ahead all based at The Ivy Club - mainly due to the fact that agents and their clients are too bone idle to leave W1. I'm seeing a well-known interior designer as a favour to her agent/friend. I'm also, seeing a once well-known kids presenter on his uppers (another favour to an agent). And ... the mysterious Addison Cresswell (who looks after Jonathan Ross). This will be our first meeting. I'm curiously excited about him, as I think he's probably a one! Shall keep you posted.

Yours Doris.x

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