Sunday 7 February 2010

Footballers 'Eh !

Sunday mornings are heaven aren’t they? Several cups of tea, a box of Ferrero Rocher and a sea of tabloid tales at my feet. Rounded off with advice from Mystic Meg. Ah! Bliss.

However, I am finding the sexual shenaghan stories about former England Captain - John Terry uncomfortable. No. I’m not worried I could be linked as one of his many women. I’d just like to know where he got the time from to have so many indiscretions? He must have been absolutely bloody exhausted!

A very close and reliable tabloid source tells me, his News-desk is inundated with calls from girls attempting to Kiss and Tell on the Chelsea Defender. So much so, the paper has had to put a Hack on the desk (full-time) just to answer the phone calls. Astonishing.

One by one each story is being checked out. Allegedly, Terry has even had a 'moment' with the Chelsea Club Mascot. What? Yes. Apparently (and allegedly), she even wore the outfit. (Dear God).

The question remains, should England boss Fabio Capello have sacked Terry from duties for playing away from (or too close to) home? Footballers are renowned for their 'away games’, so ..
. I don't really understand what all the fuss is about. But ... then again I am a girl who doesn’t know alot about Football.

I find 'Kiss n' Tell' stories great to read (mainly because there's now’t going on in my own life at the moment!). However ... people who do it might make a quick buck but they’ve no class have they?

But how about a reality check? Haiti Earthquake?

Anyway, I’ve an interesting week coming up. I’m seeing Supermodel - Deliahla O’Flannagan (21 yrs). I’m chatting to her about a factual project on White Witches.

Shall keep you posted.

Yours, Doris. x

Thursday 28 January 2010

Funniest Text Of The Day ...

I've just had a text from my friend Sandra, who is the celebrity liaison officer for a very large wildlife charity. She recently joined Guardian Soulmates and had a bit of a stalker moment with a chap she had met from the site. She complained to the relevant officials and has now been given a life-long membership. They didn't want to lose her custom apparently.

How bloody depressing is that? I did laugh out loud though.

If it was me I wouldn't rest until ... they had implemented a new application system specifically for men. Every single one would need to have a CRB check, three forms of ID as proof of address, (including household bill) and most important of all .... references from three previous girlfriends. I shall write a letter of suggestion.

Lol. Doris. x

Saturday 16 January 2010

Simon Cowell - My Guardian Angel

I had another dream about Simon (God) Cowell last night.

Basically, for those of you who don't know ... Simon comes to me in my dreams, a bit like a guardian angel to offer advice on certain love or work dilemmas in my life. Once, he even answered a question regarding the colour I should paint my kitchen units. He suggested Cornforth White from the Farrow & Ball range.

Anyway, in my dream I'm sitting in The Ivy Club waiting for my friend Top Agent to the Stars Teresa O'Riley to arrive - when out of the blue Simon appears, looking all tanned and gleaming from his annual trip to Barbados.

Bending down to level his face with mine, he says, 'Who Dares Wins Doris, Who Dares Wins', then ends by imitating the Meercat voice from the current insurance advert, 'it's simples'.

I have been thinking recently that I'm not spontaneous enough in both work and love. Maybe, he's encouraging me to grab opportunities or to make them happen. Hmmmmn. I shall ponder his most recent advice and come back to you.

Much love and Happy New Year btw.