Saturday 16 January 2010

Simon Cowell - My Guardian Angel

I had another dream about Simon (God) Cowell last night.

Basically, for those of you who don't know ... Simon comes to me in my dreams, a bit like a guardian angel to offer advice on certain love or work dilemmas in my life. Once, he even answered a question regarding the colour I should paint my kitchen units. He suggested Cornforth White from the Farrow & Ball range.

Anyway, in my dream I'm sitting in The Ivy Club waiting for my friend Top Agent to the Stars Teresa O'Riley to arrive - when out of the blue Simon appears, looking all tanned and gleaming from his annual trip to Barbados.

Bending down to level his face with mine, he says, 'Who Dares Wins Doris, Who Dares Wins', then ends by imitating the Meercat voice from the current insurance advert, 'it's simples'.

I have been thinking recently that I'm not spontaneous enough in both work and love. Maybe, he's encouraging me to grab opportunities or to make them happen. Hmmmmn. I shall ponder his most recent advice and come back to you.

Much love and Happy New Year btw.

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