Friday 23 October 2009

Mirror Mirror On The Wall Whose The Most Feared Agent of Them All?

One of the many things I love about living in London is … my morning routine. I like to get up early, jump on the 134 Bus, hop off at Centre Point, grab a Starbucks on Charing Cross Road and then stroll to the office via Leicester Square …. well before the Tourists start clogging it up.

The perfect time to do this is about 8am, when the regulars (like me) pass through on their way to work. Then there are the delivery men dropping off stock, ticket scouts laying claim to their patch and Homeless people trying to catch up on much needed sleep, whilst taking shelter in Cinema doorways - before being rudely woken by the emerging hustle and bustle of City life.

I’m office based today. We’ve got television actor and comedian Micky Doherty coming in to brainstorm factual ideas with The Grunt, the development team and myself.

Doherty is riding high at the moment. He won a BAFTA recently for his Channel 28 sitcom Boys on Tour. He’ll be accompanied by his agent and my good pal … Freddie Tenenbaum.

Freddie (late 40’s) stands tall at 5’4 ¾ . He is one of the industries biggest characters. He's brutally honest and that often gets him into all kinds of trouble.  
Everyone has an opinion on him. No one has a good word to say. People have either fallen victim to one of his famous and foul temper-tantrums or he’s shafted someone in a business deal.

Over the years I’ve heard all the derogatory names for Fred, particularly regarding what the F & T in his name really stands for. They range from Fast-Talking Freddie to Ferocious Fred to Freddie Temper Tantrum. Then there are the abbreviations that are too harsh to print but usually rhyme with Trucking and Twit.

In private Freddie's very funny and a decent sort of bloke. The funniest aspect of his character is him not being able to fathom out why he has such a horrid reputation - usually directly after eff'ing and jeff'ing down the phone, (via his portable head-set. Very LA!) negotiating a clients contract with a traumatised TV Producer.

I’ll hopefully get a commission out of this though. The Grunt wants results, as he keeps telling me. I've bought the book The Cosmic Ordering Service by Barbra Mohr. Well, it worked for Noel Edmonds.

Wishing you a good day and chat later.

Yours Doris. x