Sunday 18 October 2009

Rule Britannia !

Today is the 5th Birthday of Alexander - the grandson of my Mum’s partner Doug.

‘The Lovebirds’(Mum and Doug), as Linda and I call them (Doug’s daughter and mother to Xander), were visiting for the weekend family celebrations. They often visit from Cheshire. They’ve just come back from a three week road trip around the US. They have the Life of Riley.

Alexander - the Birthday boy is sparky, in the way a five year old can be. He tells it how it is. With that attribute he won’t go far wrong in life. He's been trained to growl at on coming Traffic Wardens. Genius.

I wouldn’t have necessarily thought of the Ice-Cream Parlour at Fortnum and Mason, (located on the first floor if you ever fancy it!) as a venue for a child’s birthday party. However, I do love Linda’s style. Quite fabulous. The ice-cream here cost ten times more than a Mr Whippy but PWOOOOAR - once you’ve experienced the delights, the bar is set high and there is no going back to a Ninety-Niner.

I adore Fortnum and Mason. From its wooden panelling to the clipped tones of the privately educated shop assistants. It’s the last old fashioned British department store in London. Staying true to its character and charm, it still oozes class, sophistication and money. They also know how to put on a decent window display. At the moment there’s a British Seaside theme - soon to be replaced by a Christmas one.

Off the back of London Fashion Week, there are trendy Rule Britannia product displays almost everywhere you look. Everything from Mugs to Bedding to Cushions. My Mum bought a mug, telling me, ‘You’ll have a decent cup of tea out of that.’

For some reason my Mum worries about me. Maybe it’s because I’m the youngest of four children AND the only girl. OR, it could be down to the contents of my Fridge. Presently, it’s home to one tomato, two eggs and a bottle of Champagne.

On waving Mum and Doug off at Euston. I took the short cut home through Highgate Woods. It’s Autumn in London.

Passing the Joggers with their I-Pods, hearing the chatter from Families pushing those trendy three wheeler prams and observing those sat on their own, drinking Starbucks - whilst having a bloody good think about life no doubt. I found myself in a reflective mood.

The day has reminded me of everything that is magnificent about our City. Our Families. Our Friends. Our sense of humour, our ability to unite when needs be. Our TV programmes (in particular Coronation Street and The X Factor), our Fish and Chips. Our Cream Teas. Our Eccentricities. Our Britishness.

Maybe this sudden rush of reflection and optimism has something to do with the New Moon or drinking one too many glasses of fizz at F & M. Whatever it is … Rock on Cool Britannia. Rock on!

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